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I am Caneeka.

Daughter of Gale.

Niece of Leelee.

The Daughters of Muggie.

For the prayers prayed known and unknown.

For the support: financial, emotional, spiritual.

For the wisdom, the advice, the teachings, the discipline, the instruction.

For the laughter, tears, hugs and shoulder to shoulder closeness. The story of my life has the thread of these women in every fabric.

WOVEN: Womanhood begins with them in mind because their stories have empowered me, taught me, comforted me and reminded me that our womanhood is beautiful and complex and powerful and a reflection of God’s almighty strength and grace. Our stories are transparent even if we never share them and they are heard through our movement in and around the earth as women and mothers. The beauty of our story is knowing who you are as a woman and where you came from and I belong to them and I’m so thankful to call them mine.


Dear Boys,

There’s no job that has taught me what you have taught me. No degree, amount of experience, interaction with different variations of the population that can give me the wisdom you have given me.

About myself.

Because motherhood is the greatest teacher of things you never knew you could learn from a small human.

Outside of yourself.

Reflecting pieces of you back into your eyes. Hearts touching through lifetimes unlived. Feet touching parts of the universe undiscovered.

There is no greater love. Than the love we have shared.

Found my way back from past lives where I was lost and unsure, broken and ashamed into the smallest kisses, grandiose hugs, loud eyes, bringing warmth into places made cold by those forgotten. You are magic and light and purpose and fresh air as I navigate womanhood and existence.

Thank you for choosing me before I ever knew I deserved to be chosen.