“Sometimes I fail and miss the mark and often times I’m afraid to let them see those pieces of me. Or embarrassed. Perhaps it’s complicated. Yet, those pieces of me are the parts I have to sit with when I’m alone. They are the questions I have to give answers to when my therapist tells me even Superman had to be Clark Kent at times. As I search within the walls of my heart and ideologies surrounding this need to protect the real parts of me from the innocent eyes and admiration of my boys, I worry, I guess, that they will see my flaws and instead of celebrating me as human they will be forced to realize that even I’m not perfect…”
Read MoreI cleared the bookshelves immediately and began to put the children’s book with Black main characters and those written by Black authors in the forefront. To be able to see themselves in literature at a young age was always important but knowing that home might be the only place they would hear about Black inventors and writers and poets and doctors, I was determined to provide that education…
Read MoreBecause one day in the future when we change leadership and begin to care about one another again we will be able to travel to the places blooming in our hearts with the full abandon we once knew.
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